Munich Jewelry Week 2016
view of A tribute to Manfred Bischoff curated by Isabel Dammermann
Going to the Munich Jewelry Week for a young gallery like OHMYBLUE (we’ll be 3 years old in a fews days) is a journey through history in the making.
David Bielander at Galerie Wittenbrink, photo: OHMYBLUE
Bringing contemporary jewelry on the streets allows generations and cultures to juxtapose and to collide as different objects are in fact put in relation with the flow of life letting people use them to ask questions, to make metaphors, to play.
Beatrice Brovia at Imprint, photo: OHMYBLUE
Focusing mostly on singularities that gathers together, the events during the MJW offer the viewer a flux of fierce statements, enjoyable storytellings and rigorous manufacture.
The result is a dream-like situation in which the viewer sits between many things and many different directions at once.
Federica Sala (detail) Unbearable Lightness, photo: OHMYBLUE
Placing a work in the world is a strangely intimate experience and it’s like these makers were there to share their dreams with us, planting them in us to start a new story, sometimes a new friendship too.
Lisa Walker at Galerie Biro, photo: OHMYBLUE