Venice is like Disney World for adults. I stil can’t get over the sights I saw and the sheer beauty of the city. The moment I stepped out of the train station and caught my first glimpse of the main canal, it took my breath away. The city itself doesn’t feel real, but more like a manmade theme park, simply because it’s so surreal. Unfortunately, the world knows this, as millions of tourist flock to the Nothern Italian series of islands that together make Venezia. Although it’s one of the only places I’ve been that the throngs of tourists don’t bother me, the extreme tourism does show through out. It takes a great mix of real navigation, thorough research, and getting lost to find the hidden gems.

And thankfully, I did.

I can’t wait to go back to Venice. I’ll be sure to visit these hidden gems I scoured the city for and highly recommend:


A luxury-meets-quirky jewellery & accessories store, featuring exquisitely curated pieces from international designers.

Read the full article here:


Chiaralice Rizzi